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Improving accessibility at the 68 St-Hunter College station

MTA Construction and Development has proposed to improvements to the 68 St-Hunter College station, located at Lexington Avenue and East 68th Street in Manhattan.
Updated Oct 18, 2024


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  • 2016: FTA Finding of No Significant Impact issued
  • March 2021: FTA concludes changes to project scope align with 2016 FONSI

Environmental Review for 68th Street/Hunter College Station Improvement

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Construction and Development (MTA C&D) is proposing to implement improvements to the 68th Street/Hunter College Station located at Lexington Avenue and East 68th Street in Manhattan. The improvements will provide accessibility for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended) (ADA) and will add necessary circulation improvements throughout the station. New York State designated the 68th Street/Hunter College Station as an ADA Key Station. The proposed project will make the subway station accessible for persons with disabilities and improve pedestrian circulation, reduce pedestrian congestion within the station and at street level, and foster efficient passenger access to trains and efficient occupancy of trains.

Proposed improvements

The elements of the proposed improvements are summarized as follows:

  • Installation of three ADA-compliant elevators and related improvements to bring this Key Station into compliance with the ADA.
  • Installation of three ADA-compliant elevators and related improvements to bring this Key Station into compliance with ADA.
  • Reconstruction and/or relocation of three of the four existing street stairs-at the southeast, northeast, and northwest corners of East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue.
  • Installation of a new street stair on the south sidewalk of East 69th Street west of Lexington Avenue. This street stair will connect to a new subway mezzanine and platform stair serving the southbound platform.
  • Installation of a new street stair in a retail space at 931 Lexington Avenue on the east side of Lexington Avenue, approximately mid-block between East 68th Street and East 69th Street. This street stair will connect to a new subway mezzanine and platform stair serving the northbound platform. 

Environmental Assessment

A Federal Environmental Assessment was developed by MTA C&D in partnership with the Federal Transit Administration and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its associated implementing regulations. Public participation occurred through Community Board meetings, focused meetings with other interested stakeholders, a public hearing and written comments via mail and the MTA website. The Environmental Assessment which analyzed alternatives that will address access and circulation issues at the 68th Street/Hunter College Station is available on this website (click below to access).
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has completed its review of the Environmental Assessment for the 68th Street/Hunter College Station Improvement which included a Section 4(f) and Section 106 analysis. Based on the FTA review, the FTA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on July 26, 2016 (click below to access).

The issuance of the FONSI concludes the National Environmental Policy Act review process for the Project. MTA NYCT will now proceed with the final design and construction of the facility.

Project Updates

A federal Environmental Re-Evaluation Consultation form with attachments was developed by MTA C&D in partnership with the FTA and in accordance with NEPA and its associated implementing regulations. The re-evaluation analyzed the new street ADA elevator location and other limited scope changes.  Public participation occurred through a Community Board meeting, focused meetings with other interested stakeholders, a public hearing and written comments via mail and the MTA website. The Re-Evaluation Consultation of the updated 68th Street/Hunter College Station project is available on this website (click below to access).  

The FTA reviewed the Environmental Re-Evaluation Consultation and, on March 30, 2021, issued a Decision Memorandum determining that the Project changes will have no significant impact on the environment and are consistent with the 2016 Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (click below to access).